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Speaking from My Holy of Holies (part 2)
How all-too-human preachers can prepare their souls to preach.
To the Church Which Seeks Seekers
An open letter to a movement that has brought so much to American Christianity
No More Mr. Nice Group
Five practices that take small groups beyond polite sharing to the disciplines that change lives.
How to Spend a Day Alone
Planning a short spiritual retreat.
Keeping Your Clock Ticking
The Unending Tension
Somewhere between "abiding" and "abounding" is a quiet, but productive place.
Leader's Insight: Curing Grandiosity (Part 2)
I'm no Superman. So why do I feel the need to do the impossible?
Ministry and FTT
The condition of leaders affects the condition of those they lead.
The Gift of Opposition
Not everyone enjoys conflict. But everyone can benefit from it.
Anger with No Sin
It's not easy, but it's possible.
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